Repairing table ...145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SQL QUERY FAILURE:DELETE FROM xcart_users_online WHERE expiry<'1722052348'
Repairing table ...145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xcart_users_online WHERE sessid = '65af3c39cb035750906bf4d18149ed56'
Repairing table ...145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SQL QUERY FAILURE:REPLACE INTO xcart_users_online (usertype, is_registered, sessid, expiry) VALUES ('C', '', '65af3c39cb035750906bf4d18149ed56', '1722055948')
Repairing table ...145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INVALID SQL: 145 : Table './thegsmst_xcart/xcart_users_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT usertype, COUNT(*) as count, is_registered FROM xcart_users_online WHERE IF(usertype = 'C', 'Y', is_registered) = 'Y' AND usertype = 'C' GROUP BY usertype, IF(usertype = 'C', is_registered, '')
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The GSM Store :: Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice

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Copyright FAQs which you may find of interest.

What is intellectual property?
Who owns copyright?
What is protected by copyright?
What are the economic rights of copyright owners?
What are moral rights?
How can I obtain permission to use someone else's copyright?
What are the exceptions to copyright?
What is automatic protection?
How can I protect my rights?

For the answer to these questions and many more please go here.